Attendance; April, Sherry, Amy, Karen, Callie, Harry, Nicole, Tara, Law, Jeremy, porch, Kevin, Jill, Catherine, Francesco, Katie, Dan, Jessica, Emily.
No minutes to approve from January 30, 1994.
- Fill out service survey.
- VIVA-- coordinate service projects b/c service organizations on campus.
- February 23 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. workshops by VIVA collecting toys and clothing for Springfield.
- February 26 - Into Springfield.
- April 26 - Into Amherst.
- Chair projects.
- Adopt a grandparent.
- Handicapped ACC Trails (Hitchcock Center).
- Wysocki House -- Jessica.
- HMRC -- Aimee
- Bike Reg --Katey.
- Scouting for Food-- Karen.
- Brightside Orphanage -- Kara
- Book Drive to the -- April, Jana.
Academics Chair -- Harry.
- Test file and study nights, tutors.
Blood drive -- a lot of donors, made quota.
- Tuesday, February 8, Meet in office for Rush meeting 7 p.m.. Then TOC.
- 5:30 p.m. Monday, send out invitations.
- Poster more.
- Wednesday 9th, volunteer table.
- Fifth floor Coolidge Southwest, February 7.
- Rush meeting also 8:05 -- 9:00 Wednesday.
- Initiation Thursday, February 10.
Motion -- suspend bylaws dealing with criteria for choosing big brothers for Spring 94 -- April, seconded Kara.
In Favor |
Opposed |
Abstaining |
13 |
0 |
4 |
Need second induction -- someday (6:30 p.m. -- time variable). 7 p.m. induction starts.
Computer program for attendance and addresses.
Crabtree Meeting had five people. OH Rush had 2.
- Conclave
- Need money by the 15th or cost will be $30 instead of $28. Checks to APO -- Theta Zeta
- Semiformal masquerade formal.
- Puppetry workshop.
- Massage.
- Ballroom dance.
- L.DW.
- Friday night -- bowling 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. $6.
- Accommodations in the gym.
- Callie has a list of phone numbers of hotels.
- No prize for And yet April 15-17, need people to sign for And on list and office.
- Ice-skating weekly.
- Fellowship committee meeting -- February 17 in office at 7 p.m..
AVP not present.
- No increasing in dues.
- Due February 21, $30.
- Made appointment with Raj -- got records for recent years
Old Business -- none
New Business
- Composite of chapter.
- MassPIRG Homeless Project.
- Walk for Hunger -- May 1, Bus? to get to Boston.
- Motion by Emily to move meeting, February 20 to February 21, seconded by Kara, U. Consent
Newsletter stories to February 14, call, if kind do.
- Invitations Monday 5:30 p.m.
- Talk to Calli didn't pay her for conclave.
- CPW changed to August 19 to 21st.
Motion to ajourn meeting.